Avito is a popular online platform where users can buy and sell goods, rent housing, and find jobs. Over seven years, the service has grown from a simple classifieds board for individuals into a full-fledged marketplace. On Avito, users can leave reviews and rate sellers. This allows for comparisons between different companies, private users, and employers. In such an environment, having a high rating is essential for successfully promoting your business on Avito.

In this article, we will explain how to publish reviews more effectively, whether it’s possible to post multiple reviews for the same product or service (spoiler: yes, but it won’t be easy), and how to do it. We will also discuss how to improve your rating and why reviews might fail moderation. Additionally, we will explain why it’s important to respond to customers and whether negative comments can be deleted. This guide is up-to-date for 2024.

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Why Leave a Review on Avito

Here are at least five reasons why it’s worth doing:

  1. Attract more buyers. Products and services from sellers with a high rating and numerous reviews rank higher in search results, leading to greater visibility and more views.
  2. Increase customer trust. Positive reviews build confidence among potential buyers.
  3. Push down negative feedback. If negative feedback exists, new positive reviews can help offset it.
  4. Improve company rating. Reviews directly impact your overall rating.

How Avito Ratings Are Calculated

The rating is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the scores given by buyers. Each customer can leave a review and rate the seller’s work on a scale of one to five. These ratings are then factored into the overall score.

Avito only considers feedback from customers who either paid for the product/service or canceled at the last stage of the transaction. According to platform rules, a company receives its rating only after three reviews with ratings.

Ways to Improve Your Rating

Organic Method

The principle is simple: provide excellent service, and a satisfied customer will leave a positive review (don’t hesitate to ask for a rating if everything went smoothly). To encourage customers to leave positive reviews, keep the following in mind:

  1. Always provide accurate information about your products, services, or job listings:
    • Write detailed descriptions of your products, services, or job openings, including all essential qualities.
    • List the actual prices of your offerings.
    • Notify customers in advance if there’s a need to change the price.
    • Keep your information up to date. Factual errors discourage trust.
  1. Maintain communication with your customers:
    • Respond promptly to messages in the chat.
    • Avoid generic replies—provide detailed answers to questions.
    • Refrain from frequent promotional messages in the chat.
  1. Optimize the delivery process:
    • If you handle delivery yourself without Avito Delivery, always provide the exact shipping cost to the buyer.
    • If you’re using Avito Delivery, monitor the status of your orders. If a seller doesn’t ship an order within two days of payment, the order will be canceled, and the buyer will be refunded.

The better each stage of the transaction is organized, the higher the chances that the buyer will leave a positive review and rating.

Reputation Management

Another way to improve your rating is by partnering with online reputation management (ORM) agencies.

Online Reputation Management (ORM) is a comprehensive service aimed at building a positive image of a company, its services, and products. ORM also promotes brand presence online and responds promptly to negative comments and mentions across the internet.

ORM is a complex process that involves many professionals: analysts, marketers, copywriters, PR managers, technical experts, and others. These agencies not only create and implement reputation management strategies but also handle negative feedback online and perform tasks that you might not have considered.

Given the nature of the internet, where dishonest competition methods (like fake negative reviews or spam) are often used, many companies prefer to work with ORM agencies.

The standard ORM process includes:

  1. Analysis of the brand’s current online reputation.
  2. Developing a plan to improve the brand’s reputation and boost ratings.
  3. Posting new positive or neutral reviews using verified accounts.
  4. Responding to reviews and addressing negative situations.

This approach is relevant for most of our clients, but we create individual plans based on the specific needs of each company.

How to Post a Review on Avito

Follow this step-by-step guide to post a review:

  1. Open the seller’s profile.
  1. Click on the number of reviews.
  1. Click the “Leave a review” button.
  1. Select the product or service for which you want to leave a review. If the exact option isn’t available, find a similar one and clarify in your review which item you’re referring to.
  1. Indicate how your interaction with the seller ended.
  1. Rate and write your review. You can also add photos or videos of the product.
  1. Click the “Continue” button. Avito will review your submission and publish it within seven days.

Tips for Review Moderation:

  1. You must have had a conversation with the seller before leaving a review.
  2. Include photos or videos in your review.
  3. The review text should sound natural and be written organically.
  4. Only review a specific product or service.

How to Post Multiple Reviews on Avito

You can only leave one review per seller from a single account. To post multiple reviews, you’ll need multiple accounts. If the product doesn’t offer delivery, the account’s geographic location must match the region of the listing. Failing to meet these criteria may result in the moderation system removing all suspicious reviews.

To post reviews from different geographic locations, you’ll need a proxy, which changes the user’s location and IP address. We won’t provide links to specific services, but those who search will find! 😉

However, simply changing your location isn’t enough. New accounts need to be registered with unique phone numbers. Therefore, you’ll need to collect either physical or virtual SIM cards.

Steps to ensure your review passes moderation:

  1. Create a search history: Enter a key query in the search bar, open several competing listings, browse pages, view photos, and read other buyer reviews. Remember, you’re a real customer choosing a product.
  2. Engage in conversation with the seller, exchange a few messages, and request contact information.
  3. Wait for a while, as though you’re waiting for the deal to go through or the product to be delivered.
  4. Write a review—keep it simple and natural. Including photos or videos of the product is a plus.

Another Important Factor: Account History. Accounts that post reviews must have a history—they shouldn’t be brand-new or inactive (“boosted” accounts are preferable). Ideally, these accounts should have their own ratings.

Common Mistakes When Posting Reviews

Here are some mistakes users often make when posting reviews:

  1. Overly positive text: Reviews that seem too enthusiastic can be flagged by Avito’s moderators as fake or promotional.
  2. Excessive negativity: Reviews with too much criticism, including insults or inappropriate language, can lead to rejection.
  3. Lack of specifics: Reviews that don’t clearly address the product or service in question, or are vague about what was liked or disliked.
  4. Too much irrelevant information: Some users get carried away when describing a product’s merits, adding personal stories or excessive emojis.
  5. Overly formal language: Reviews written in a complicated or formal style may come across as unnatural.
  6. Generic reviews: Phrases like “Great! I liked it!” without any specific details or reasoning. Such reviews are unhelpful to others and might raise red flags with moderators.
  7. Violation of platform rules: Including inappropriate language, advertising, or disclosing personal information of the seller or buyer.

Why a Review Might Be Rejected

Reviews go through a moderation process. During the review, Avito considers several factors, including whether there was communication between the buyer and seller, and even the volume of that communication. If there are signs of manipulation, the review will be removed.

According to Avito’s posting policy, a review can be rejected if it contains:

  1. Inappropriate language or insults.
  2. Accusations of criminal activity.
  3. Advertising for third-party services.
  4. Text in a foreign language.
  5. Meaningless strings of characters.
  6. Personal information about the seller or buyer.
  7. Content that violates laws.
  8. Threats or negative remarks.

How to Respond to Reviews as a Seller

Always try to respond to all reviews. For positive feedback, thank the buyer. For negative reviews, don’t shy away from addressing the issues. Responding to criticism helps open a dialogue and can shift the customer’s attitude to a more positive one.

To respond to a review, follow these steps:

  1. Click on your company’s profile name between “My ads” and “Post an ad.”
  2. Find the review you want to respond to.
  3. Click the three horizontal dots.
  4. Select “Write a response under the review.”
  5. Write your response.
  6. Click “Send.”

To ensure smooth communication with the buyer, follow these principles:

  1. Be polite and avoid being defensive, even if the review was written emotionally. Remember that your responses are visible to potential customers.
  2. Don’t ignore negative reviews. If a seller doesn’t respond to criticism, other customers may assume that the seller doesn’t care about resolving issues, which can hurt your reputation.

How to Delete a User Review on Avito

Better ratings lead to a higher overall ranking. However, sometimes buyers leave negative reviews in the heat of the moment, lowering your rating. This can happen for various reasons, either due to genuinely poor service or personal buyer issues. In the first case, examine the problem and propose a solution. Avoid arguing with the buyer—apologize, offer a discount, or resend the product at your own expense. Showing initiative demonstrates that you care.

If a review violates Avito’s rules, contains unjustified negativity, or false information, you can request its removal by following these steps:

  1. In your company profile, go to the “Help” section.
  2. Click “Ask a Question.”
  3. Select the topic “Security and Violations.”
  4. Go to “Ratings and Reviews.”
  5. Select “I am a seller.”
  6. Describe the issue.
  7. Click “Send Message.”

Should You Pay for Reviews on Avito?

Paid reviews from review marketplaces often look unnatural and can lead to distrust from potential customers. There’s also a risk that, after paying for a review, it could be flagged as fake and removed by moderation, damaging your company’s reputation. With intense competition on Avito, it can be challenging for new sellers to stand out, keep up with changes, and maintain high-quality communication.

For this reason, it’s easier and more effective to entrust your reputation development and rating improvement to a digital agency. ORM specialists will monitor your company’s online presence and take the necessary steps to improve your rating—from posting reviews to establishing an ethical feedback system with customers.

At Pobeda Digital Agency, we handle the full spectrum of ORM services, from creating a reputation management strategy to implementing it entirely. By working with us, you’ll get authentic and organic reviews posted from established accounts.

How Our Collaboration Works:

  1. You fill out a brief, answering questions about your project.
  2. We determine the scope of work and develop a media plan.
  3. We sign a contract, and you make a prepayment.
  4. We write and approve the review texts, post them, and provide weekly reports. Your personal manager will be available Monday to Friday from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM Moscow time.

Our experts design a personalized ORM strategy tailored to your business. Our reviews help improve your rating and customer loyalty. By choosing our agency, you choose quality work—and a strong reputation on key platforms as a result.