Creation and distribution of the reviews and dialogues

Before buying or using the service, people look at the seller’s reputation, read reviews about him and his products. We are sure you know that there is nothing more offensive than loosing a client because of the fact that he was afraid of negativity or silence about your brand. What do we do in these cases?
- We explore who could write about you.
- We study the sites, and find those where it is better to leave reviews for potential clients.
- We study your product, if it is a sweet bar, we will buy and try it, if it is the building yard, we will go and see.
- We write believable reviews without advertising slogans and unnatural emotions – just as your customers would.
- We coordinate the reviews with the customer, our goal is absence of edits from your side.
- We place reviews so delicate that no one guess that they are custom-made – from different and relevant IP-addresses and trusted accounts.
- Weekly report and a final report with further recommendations.
- We give a guarantee on the reviews placement and make a monitoring of comments during the month. In the case of new comments, we respond to them and support the dialogue.
We do not engage in black PR and negative distribution about competitors.
The period of work depends on the number of posting reviews. Usually it is 1 month.

Work with negative
Working with us, you get a team of reputation specialists, who in most cases at first glance can determine the type of negativity and work with it.
- With emotional commentators we work with logic, common sense and goodwill.
- We neutralize trolls with the metered irony.
- We are struggling with strong arguments with competitors.
We can work out the negative both from the account of your representative or from accounts of agents of influence.
Turning to us, remember: if the reasons for negative feedback from clients are not eliminated, our treatment will be symptomatic. We call upon all customers to correct deficiencies. And we will help to correct public opinion.
We can work with the negative in the online mode (daily viewing of interesting sites and prompt response to the comment).

Depending on your goals and brand characteristics, we can make several types of monitoring.
Monitoring of reputational search results
- We choose the keywords which people use to find your brand and reviews about it.
- We analyze the search results of Yandex and Google.
Monitoring of the Internet
- We will set up software monitoring, which will find feedback about you on all portals and in all social networks.
- Manually we check and correct the results.
Manual monitoring of the relevant sites
- We coordinate with you a list of important sites.
- In the manual mode, we will check them daily and in case of a threat we’ll notify you or work with the negative reviews.